
Is the VR party (finally) over?

Anyone who follows the mainstream technical press will have noticed the recent wave of stories and editorials about the decline in interest and sales of VR hardware. This is not surprising to me, and in a “told-ya-so” way, I’ll tell you it has been my forecast for a couple of years. I believe interactive-VR (IVR) will return to its original ...

Jon Peddie

Anyone who follows the mainstream technical press will have noticed the recent wave of stories and editorials about the decline in interest and sales of VR hardware. This is not surprising to me, and in a “told-ya-so” way, I’ll tell you it has been my forecast for a couple of years. I believe interactive-VR (IVR) will return to its original place as one of (not the or the only) tools of designers and engineers, as well as for medicine, science and engineering. There may be a small cadre of consumers, gamers, who use IVR. Their use will vary from 10

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