
Intel expands its visualization framework

At FMX, Intel’s Sr. Principal Engineer, Sr. Director, Advanced Rendering and Visualization, presented updates on Intel’s Rendering Framework which includes the open source tools and libraries of Embree and OSPRay, Open SWR, and the Open Image Denoise tools. Jeffers notes that the AI/ML based Open Image Denoise, is available for integration into any program, but that it is also integrated ...

Jon Peddie

At FMX, Intel’s Sr. Principal Engineer, Sr. Director, Advanced Rendering and Visualization, presented updates on Intel’s Rendering Framework which includes the open source tools and libraries of Embree and OSPRay, Open SWR, and the Open Image Denoise tools. Jeffers notes that the AI/ML based Open Image Denoise, is available for integration into any program, but that it is also integrated into Embree and OSPray. Using these tools developers can build their own ray tracing apps, and Jeffers notes that the technology has been widely accepted by the studio community including Disney’s Dreamworks MoonRay renderer.  At FMX, Jeffers announced the addition

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