
The Arc of the story—Intel brands its GPU

An Intel chip (maybe DG1). (source: Intel)   After years in the process, Intel has come up with several names for their proposed someday dGPUs. To tell the world about it, Intel’s marketing department shed a little of the spotlight on some of the troops who are valiantly struggling to fulfill Raja Koduri’s promise. A group of them made a ...

Jon Peddie

An Intel chip (maybe DG1). (source: Intel)   After years in the process, Intel has come up with several names for their proposed someday dGPUs. To tell the world about it, Intel’s marketing department shed a little of the spotlight on some of the troops who are valiantly struggling to fulfill Raja Koduri’s promise. A group of them made a video you can see here. Roger Chandler from Intel’s Graphics Product team said he and his friends are gamers, and one of the things he likes about the gaming community is how it relentlessly pushes the computational limits of hardware

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