The Intel Buzz Workshop series is back by popular demand! Coming to San Francisco on Wednesday, June 25 2015, this series of community workshops, brought to you by Intel, is designed to help professional game developers tackle the industry’s biggest problems in gaming. Our own Dr. Jon Peddie will be giving a presentation Computer Graphics and their Impact on Gaming between 11:30 and 12:00. To check out the event and full schedule click on the title link.
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Press Releases
GPU developments of 2022
Jon Peddie Research has just released its annual GPU developments report. It is a summary of GPU developments for 2022 and includes announcements by the leading GPU suppliers. Although we think it is thorough, we do not claim it to be exhaustive of every announcement made by the suppliers.
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2024 Worldwide CAD Report
The Worldwide CAD Report
JPR’s CAD market report has been published since 2005. As a result, it comes with a strong historical perspective as well as current data on the rapidly changing CAD industry. The 2024 report provides information on market segments, individual company market shares, new workflows, and new players.
The Arm IPO—background and possibilities – Predictions, potentials, and pitfalls
The Arm IPO—background and possibilities - Predictions, potentials, and pitfalls
In the first part of this report, we look at the buildup to the Arm IPO. We look at where the company is on the starting blocks, pose questions about valuation, and the edge IoT and data center opportunities. The second section covers the competitive landscape, Arm product pricing models, why Arm GPU isn’t in the desktop and data center yet, and the relationship with Arm China. The third section covers the failed sale to Nvidia—and the reported new strategy for Arm growth revealed through the dispute with Qualcomm, including new licensing and royalty models and the chipset business. The report is full of insights, predictions, and some never-before-revealed aspects of Arm China and the IP industry.
TV Gaming Hardware market study – advanced financial modeling of the global TV Gaming Hardware market
TV Gaming Hardware market study - Bi-annual, advanced financial modeling of the global TV Gaming Hardware market
TV and Cloud Gaming market study – advanced financial modeling of the global PC Gaming Hardware market.
Jon Peddie Research’s TV and Cloud Gaming market study is a supply-side series, it establishes the TV Gaming Hardware market size by value, platform, and unit shipments.
TV and Cloud Gaming market study subscription consists of two issuances per year and gives one year of history, a current year estimate, and a three-year forecast.
For a subscription that includes models of the market released bi-annually please click here.
Contact us now if you would like to receive a sample of the report.