
AMD continues to tease us about Vega and Ripper

Siggraph is the day AMD is going to leverage their new Vega architecture across three product lines, and with multiple SKUs in each category. GPUs are employed in consumer and commercial AIBs, and in laptops for everything from gaming to spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations—gaming by far being the most interesting and challenging. They are also used in the professional space ...

Jon Peddie

Siggraph is the day AMD is going to leverage their new Vega architecture across three product lines, and with multiple SKUs in each category. GPUs are employed in consumer and commercial AIBs, and in laptops for everything from gaming to spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations—gaming by far being the most interesting and challenging. They are also used in the professional space for workstation AIBs and in workstation laptops. And, when the output video connectors are removed, and maybe a little more memory added, they become super expensive GPU-compute AIBs used in AI, DL, and dozens of parallel processing applications such as

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