
Bentley Systems issues financial results for 3Q 20

Indisputably, 2020 was a big year for Bentley Systems and the third quarter a major milestone, as the company provided its financial results as a public company. The company is a big data company through and through, even before it knew it was a big data company. Visualizing and understanding trends and technology flows through the company’s DNA. It’s great ...

Kathleen Maher

Indisputably, 2020 was a big year for Bentley Systems and the third quarter a major milestone, as the company provided its financial results as a public company. The company is a big data company through and through, even before it knew it was a big data company. Visualizing and understanding trends and technology flows through the company’s DNA. It’s great that the company has finally gone public because the executive team thrives on data and they want to share what they learned. Now, to a certain extent, they can. Bentley Systems just issued its IPO in September 2020. It is

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