
Dassault Systemès opts for VR

For the personal CAVE experience Dassault Systemès is at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) this week, demonstrating how its “3DEsperience” approach to engineering can take advantage of the new generation of business oriented headmounted display (HMD) virtual reality devices. Dassault says headsets such as the HTC Vive will soon be able to replace room-sized immersive 3D displays — such as ...

Randall Newton

For the personal CAVE experience Dassault Systemès is at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) this week, demonstrating how its “3DEsperience” approach to engineering can take advantage of the new generation of business oriented headmounted display (HMD) virtual reality devices. Dassault says headsets such as the HTC Vive will soon be able to replace room-sized immersive 3D displays — such as the $100K+ CAVE system from Christie it has supported for years. The current generation of design and engineering software from Dassault Systems is called the “3DExperience- Platform,” which consists of Catia and a wide variety of the company’s most popular

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