
Famous graphics chips: Intel’s 82786

Now that Intel is reentering the discrete graphics chip market, we thought you might like to know about some of their previous offerings. Everyone knows about Larrabee, and a few remember the i740, but Intel did a chip before that, in 1986. Intel saw the rise in discrete graphics controllers such as NEC’s µPD7220 (and even licensed it), Hitachi’s HD63484, ...

Jon Peddie

Now that Intel is reentering the discrete graphics chip market, we thought you might like to know about some of their previous offerings. Everyone knows about Larrabee, and a few remember the i740, but Intel did a chip before that, in 1986. Intel saw the rise in discrete graphics controllers such as NEC’s µPD7220 (and even licensed it), Hitachi’s HD63484, and the several clones of IBM’s EGA, and concluded it was leaving a socket unfilled by them. Intel’s intention always was, and still is, to provide every bit of silicon in a PC, and a graphics controller would be no

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