
GDC wrap-up: The engines are running strong

The message at GDC 2018 comes through loud and clear, AI/ML and realtime rendering with a little blockchain thrown in for no good reason.  Mobile gaming is a powerful force at GDC this year too. In the near future, games will know no platform. The emphasis is playing any game, any time, on any platform. And Epic’s Fortnite, the darling ...

Kathleen Maher

The message at GDC 2018 comes through loud and clear, AI/ML and realtime rendering with a little blockchain thrown in for no good reason.  Mobile gaming is a powerful force at GDC this year too. In the near future, games will know no platform. The emphasis is playing any game, any time, on any platform. And Epic’s Fortnite, the darling of GDC 2018, showed how it’s done. They were so cheerful at breakfast. Panel members: Nico Meuleau from Unity, Todd LeMoine from Qualcomm, Andrew Edelsten from Nvidia, Darin Briskman from Amazon, and Kristof Beets from Imagination. As an obvious given,

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