
GeForce Now—game anywhere on any device?

(Source: Bradley Hook, Pixels)   Nvidia introduced its virtual client concept called Grid in 2008. The idea was to employ powerful GPU-based AIBs in an internet server (the cloud) and stream pixels over the internet to a local client machine that probably lacked the graphics power to run the desired application. Then in 2013, Nvidia extended its Arm-based shield platform ...

Jon Peddie

(Source: Bradley Hook, Pixels)   Nvidia introduced its virtual client concept called Grid in 2008. The idea was to employ powerful GPU-based AIBs in an internet server (the cloud) and stream pixels over the internet to a local client machine that probably lacked the graphics power to run the desired application. Then in 2013, Nvidia extended its Arm-based shield platform to Grid, and in 2015 changed the name for gaming applications run in the cloud to GeForce Now. Although ambitious, the program started out modestly. That was the correct direction to take because there was a lot to learn. And

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