
Happy Birthday Intel

Intel celebrates its 50th year as an on-going enterprise. Fifty years ago, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore founded Intel with a purpose: to ponder what might be possible. Intel’s anniversary is officially July 18, 2018, but it’s a company born at the dawn of the technology industry—the advent of the integrated circuit. Since then Intel's impact has been felt through ...

Robert Dow

Intel celebrates its 50th year as an on-going enterprise. Fifty years ago, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore founded Intel with a purpose: to ponder what might be possible. Intel’s anniversary is officially July 18, 2018, but it’s a company born at the dawn of the technology industry—the advent of the integrated circuit. Since then Intel's impact has been felt through a progression of tech waves, including the personal computer, the internet and the cloud. Computing is about to become infinitely more diverse, persuasive, and integrated in our lives. It will and is evolving into new form factors and applications, always-on,

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