
Have a MacBook and want more (GPU) power?

Hang an external AIB box on it. But not just any box, and not just any AIB. Apple recently announced that it is offering support for certain external chassis equipped with certain AMD AIBs. Such chassis are referred to as an eGPU, an external GPU and frequently called a box or even a bread box, so they become a EGPUBB ...

Jon Peddie

Hang an external AIB box on it. But not just any box, and not just any AIB. Apple recently announced that it is offering support for certain external chassis equipped with certain AMD AIBs. Such chassis are referred to as an eGPU, an external GPU and frequently called a box or even a bread box, so they become a EGPUBB pronounced Egpubub, Ebub, or Ebox. They are also known as eGFX Breakaway Boxes. Alienware rejuvenated the concept with their Amplifier introduced in 2015 before Thunderbolt was readily available and so they had to develop their own PCIe extension scheme. It’s

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