
Intel architectural developments and plans

Intel revealed some of the details of their newest CPUs, a few tidbits of their Ponte Vecchio HPC GPU. They also mentioned their someday recently renamed consumer GPUs that are going to put AMD and Nvidia out of business. First off, and totally seriously, the Intel presentation was one of the best-looking and well-organized I have ever seen. Intel has ...

Jon Peddie

Intel revealed some of the details of their newest CPUs, a few tidbits of their Ponte Vecchio HPC GPU. They also mentioned their someday recently renamed consumer GPUs that are going to put AMD and Nvidia out of business. First off, and totally seriously, the Intel presentation was one of the best-looking and well-organized I have ever seen. Intel has definitely got their graphics and media act together and I don’t know if Gelsinger has been there long enough to take any credit for that, but it was damn impressive.   Intel introduced its new super-efficient x86 core with a

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