
Money Can’t Buy You Love

In computer graphics, too much is not enough. I first said that in 1980 I think, and its been true ever since. That’s why I’m such a pixel pig, sitting here writing this with 50 megapixels spread across three 31-inch monitors in front of me (4K-8K-4K), and I’d take more if I could get it (and an AIB to drive ...

Jon Peddie

In computer graphics, too much is not enough. I first said that in 1980 I think, and its been true ever since. That’s why I’m such a pixel pig, sitting here writing this with 50 megapixels spread across three 31-inch monitors in front of me (4K-8K-4K), and I’d take more if I could get it (and an AIB to drive it). When I finish my toils for the day, giving advice and wisdom to our clients, knocking out incredibly well written and interesting little essays like this, I unwind by playing computer games — all for research you understand. One

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