
Core Wars: AMD and Intel update an old battle

In the beginning, back in when the fabulous 286 was introduced in 1982, several companies sought to clone it, AMD being the most successful. That started the MHz wars, and we users and the happy replicants of the war, the ISVs, enjoyed the bi-annual clock increases and subsequent performance boosts. Ah, those were the days when we have a simple ...

Jon Peddie

In the beginning, back in when the fabulous 286 was introduced in 1982, several companies sought to clone it, AMD being the most successful. That started the MHz wars, and we users and the happy replicants of the war, the ISVs, enjoyed the bi-annual clock increases and subsequent performance boosts. Ah, those were the days when we have a simple linear scaling vector, and Moore’s law was working at its finest. Later, in 2003, AMD introduced its Opteron and Athlon 64 processor lines, based on its AMD64 architecture, the first x86-based 64-bit processor. That was an exciting time for tech

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