
National Battery day

Where does the time go. Had to believe another year has rolled by and here we are, just after Valentine’s day celebrating another National Battery day—wow! While unable to find out who invented Battery Day, or exactly when, I was able to trace it back to 2009. Why February 18 for this national observance? The best reason I can think ...

Jon Peddie

Where does the time go. Had to believe another year has rolled by and here we are, just after Valentine’s day celebrating another National Battery day—wow! While unable to find out who invented Battery Day, or exactly when, I was able to trace it back to 2009. Why February 18 for this national observance? The best reason I can think of is that it’s the birthday of Alessandro Volta (1745–1827), the inventor of the electric battery. Volta was born February 18, 1745 in Como, in the Duchy of Milan.  Alessandro Volta (1745–1827) Three years after Volta was born, in 1748,

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