
Nvidia embodies bigLITTLE

If Nvidia is successful in acquiring Arm (and maybe even if they aren’t), Nvidia has some mighty big and small plans for, with, and of Arm. When Nvidia announced it intended to acquire Arm (see TechWatch:, they said in their ambitions (for Arm) in the UK that they would build a supercomputer AI research center in Cambridge. That was ...

Jon Peddie

If Nvidia is successful in acquiring Arm (and maybe even if they aren’t), Nvidia has some mighty big and small plans for, with, and of Arm. When Nvidia announced it intended to acquire Arm (see TechWatch:, they said in their ambitions (for Arm) in the UK that they would build a supercomputer AI research center in Cambridge. That was in addition to Nvidia’s announcement about the Cambridge-1 supercomputer announced late last year. And at Nvidia’s graphics technology virtual conference, GTC 2021, the company announced yet another supercomputer, the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), that is expected to be the

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