
Seeding the market; Chaos Group offers V-Ray SDK

Chaos Group, one of the most powerful contenders in the ray tracing sweepstakes is offering its SDK for developers who wish to add rendering to their applications. The V-Ray Application SDK includes a high-level API, which enables developers to integrate V-Ray’s rendering into any application. Iavor Trifonov, the VP of Cloud and Integrations says the advantage to using the V-Ray ...

Kathleen Maher

Chaos Group, one of the most powerful contenders in the ray tracing sweepstakes is offering its SDK for developers who wish to add rendering to their applications. The V-Ray Application SDK includes a high-level API, which enables developers to integrate V-Ray’s rendering into any application. Iavor Trifonov, the VP of Cloud and Integrations says the advantage to using the V-Ray SDK versus developing a rendering engine is that the Chaos Group will be the one responsible for maintaining and updating the engine. “Now, companies can rely on V-Ray’s expert development and continuous improvements, while focusing their efforts on their own

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