
Siggraph after Siggraph after Siggraph

The shows have gotten smaller, the machines have gotten smaller, but the advances have been huge. Siggraph continues to be an enormously influential conference even as it has shrunk in physical size. In general, conference audiences are smaller (with CES being the mindnumbing exception). But it's not just that conferences have become smaller, there really are fewer people. Productivity advances ...

Kathleen Maher

The shows have gotten smaller, the machines have gotten smaller, but the advances have been huge. Siggraph continues to be an enormously influential conference even as it has shrunk in physical size. In general, conference audiences are smaller (with CES being the mindnumbing exception). But it's not just that conferences have become smaller, there really are fewer people. Productivity advances mean more people are getting more work done. That's true in journalism, photography, fimmaking, including VFX, animation, etc. And, with more people doing more jobs, not so many people can be spared to go to a conference. Budgets? Yep, they're

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