
Sony revives projection AR with Superception

Outward AR is an interesting approach Microsoft’s Beamatron was one of the fist AR projection systems in 2012 using a fixed location projector (video here). Valve spinoff, Cast AR, was the first in 2013 to try using a projector as part of an AR headset. Microsoft tried it again in 2014 with their RoomAlive project. The idea was to turn ...

Jon Peddie

Outward AR is an interesting approach Microsoft’s Beamatron was one of the fist AR projection systems in 2012 using a fixed location projector (video here). Valve spinoff, Cast AR, was the first in 2013 to try using a projector as part of an AR headset. Microsoft tried it again in 2014 with their RoomAlive project. The idea was to turn your whole room into a game landscape. Cast AR closed its doors last year unable to raise additional funding and proving Valve right who abandoned the technology in 2012 saying it had no future. Evidently Sony didn’t get that memo

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