
Summing up the summer

This collection of stories doesn’t come close to saying all we have to say about Siggraph, not by a long shot. But honestly, we had to put something on the cover, and a picture of the Vancouver convention center is as good as anything. VR, AR, MR etc. continue to pull too much attention away from some of the real ...

Kathleen Maher

This collection of stories doesn’t come close to saying all we have to say about Siggraph, not by a long shot. But honestly, we had to put something on the cover, and a picture of the Vancouver convention center is as good as anything. VR, AR, MR etc. continue to pull too much attention away from some of the real advances we’re seeing, so it seems many of those stories bubble up to the top. As I did through work we’ve done and the work we have yet to do, I have realized how easy it can be to miss

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