
The PC industry fights back at CES

OEMs giving customers good reasons to upgrade Over the last three years, the PC industry slammed into maturity. Gone were the dependable rising sales cycles based on nothing much more than replacing the semiconductors, updating the architecture, and rolling out a new OS. Finally customers said, no, really, good enough is good enough. Probably, the people who make and sell ...

Kathleen Maher

OEMs giving customers good reasons to upgrade Over the last three years, the PC industry slammed into maturity. Gone were the dependable rising sales cycles based on nothing much more than replacing the semiconductors, updating the architecture, and rolling out a new OS. Finally customers said, no, really, good enough is good enough. Probably, the people who make and sell new computers should spend more time, setting up new computers. Sometimes, it’s hard to think of a new feature what outweighs the utter painin- the-buttness of putting a new system together. At CES the leading PC makers have taken the

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