
The power of Twitter — a GPU it makes

In an unprovoked tweet, in the style of a certain golf playing president who now likes kimchi, senior vice president of the Core and Visual Computing Group, general manager of edge computing solutions and chief architect at Intel Raja M. Koduri set off a meme by tweeting from Intel News, “Intel's first discrete GPU coming in 2020:” Every pundit, blogger, ...

Jon Peddie

In an unprovoked tweet, in the style of a certain golf playing president who now likes kimchi, senior vice president of the Core and Visual Computing Group, general manager of edge computing solutions and chief architect at Intel Raja M. Koduri set off a meme by tweeting from Intel News, “Intel's first discrete GPU coming in 2020:” Every pundit, blogger, and web poster mildly associated with GPUs immediately posted a story saying, “I told you so.” At last count there were over 270 re-tweets.   It’s hard to get lathered up about these almost off hand comments, what they lack in

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