
They’re seeing things at museums in the U.K.

Do you see what I see . . . VR isn’t just for games and 360-vid­eos of vacation spots, as evidenced by developers who are starting to deploy systems that are major art exhibits. And such exhibits are a prime example of what VR can do. In today’s museum industry, a show idea/theme is developed, curated, and then if popular, ...

Jon Peddie

Do you see what I see . . . VR isn’t just for games and 360-vid­eos of vacation spots, as evidenced by developers who are starting to deploy systems that are major art exhibits. And such exhibits are a prime example of what VR can do. In today’s museum industry, a show idea/theme is developed, curated, and then if popular, put on the road and taken to various museums around the world. This sharing of resources has been boon to museums because they can show works that are world renowned and that they never could do on their own, and keep

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