
Thinking big—digitize the world and everything in it

Visualize the AR cloud, crowd built with details of the knives and forks on your table AR API startup is creating a software tool that will allow developers to use a 3D map made from stitching together all the buildings, things on streets like lamp posts and mail boxes, rooms and hallways in buildings and home, furniture, items in ...

Jon Peddie

Visualize the AR cloud, crowd built with details of the knives and forks on your table AR API startup is creating a software tool that will allow developers to use a 3D map made from stitching together all the buildings, things on streets like lamp posts and mail boxes, rooms and hallways in buildings and home, furniture, items in a store, and anything else that can be scanned and digitized with a smartphone to create a 3D map of the world. With constant updating by gazillions of users around the world, the resulting cloud-based AR world map will provide

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