
Turn down the power, turn up the performance

Can you really do that? Gaming is a major social and tech­nological phenomenon, engaged in by a third to a half of humanity. Unfor­tunately, the associated energy use has been understudied, and passed over in most energy policy and planning initia­tives. Seeking to correct an important oversight in the relationship between energy use and computers, The Law­rence Berkeley National Laboratory ...

Jon Peddie

Can you really do that? Gaming is a major social and tech­nological phenomenon, engaged in by a third to a half of humanity. Unfor­tunately, the associated energy use has been understudied, and passed over in most energy policy and planning initia­tives. Seeking to correct an important oversight in the relationship between energy use and computers, The Law­rence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL) associated with University of Cal­ifornia developed a profile of the Cali­fornia PC gaming marketplace for the purposes of performing energy analy­sis. The resulting analytical platform is based on best-available data and indus­try expert opinions. Constituent data include an array

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