
Improving workstation processors

More than Moore's Law is at play A workstation can be anything from a remote workstation in a virtual machine mode, to an ultra-power­ful machine that is a small super­computer. Moore’s law is the basic tran­sistor enabler of the processor advance­ments, but the processors themselves get new features and functions with every generation. When Intel x86 processors were first deployed ...

Jon Peddie

More than Moore's Law is at play A workstation can be anything from a remote workstation in a virtual machine mode, to an ultra-power­ful machine that is a small super­computer. Moore’s law is the basic tran­sistor enabler of the processor advance­ments, but the processors themselves get new features and functions with every generation. When Intel x86 processors were first deployed in a workstation with Windows, back in 1997, one of the salient features was an integrated float­ing-point processor. Since then expand­ed memory mangers, security, commu­nications, were added, and it went from one 32-bit core to 28, 64-bit cores, plus a

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