
Breaking Limit

Do we have enough shaders?

CG may scale indefinitely.

XE2 graphics

Intel’s new Xe2 graphics deliver impressive frame rates in F1 24.

Intel demonstrates Xe2 graphics running the racing title and other brand-new games.

Formula 1 racecar

The Formula One of computing

Supercomputers are a lot like race cars and even compete in their own Grands Prix.


New categories create additional winners

First-place prizes for supercomputers expanded—again.

Girl with ipad

Apple should be proud of its screen resolution

The more you can see, the more you can do.

Red and Blue pill

AI ‘benefits’

Beware—they come at a cost.

The download on video games

Video games round out the entertainment package.

AI auto

What has AI done for graphics?

AI brought higher resolution and frame rate with beautiful images.


Privacy is relative when you get something in return

There are limits to oversharing.

AI marketing

Marketing AI for use in marketing

GenAI can put powerful tools in the hands of marketing, but they’re only as good as the knowledge and expertise of the person using them because they can cause big headaches.

Man in fire suit

Treating AI as a friend rather than a foe

Like virtual production before it, AI can make show/movie production easier, but we need to set guardrails.

Star Trek Resurgence

Star Trek: Resurgence best PC game in franchise

Great story, pretty good graphics.