
Will Sony re-invent S3D?

The SR Display could be an enabler for creators across several industries. Sony's new eye-sensing light field display (ELFD) does not require virtual reality glasses or a headset.

YAP—yet another platform

How do you stand out, stand on, or for?

The Genesis of Hyper-Converged Infrastructure

In the beginning, there were punch cards and god said, that’s not good


The term Pixel is really quite old and very well defined.

Intel is building a dGPU—are they serious?

Do they know how hard that is?

What if Intel bought Arm?

Switzerland maintained, Nvidia denied

Microsoft’s Peggy Johnson joins Magic Leap

Johnson replaces embattled founder Rony Abovitz as CEO

What if what if?

If Nvidia did go for Arm, which I think would be a brilliant move, that would be a serious blow to Intel, and a potential torpedo for the open-source RISC-V adventure, of which Nvidia is a participant.

On working at home

Good for most

Consumer AR could have saved lives and the economy

We are very close to having devices that are not conspicuous or uncomfortable, devices that will feel like the sunglasses or prescription lens you now wear.

Supercomputers—who gives a rat’s patootie

Is it just bragging rights, or nuclear weapons research?

Imagine gaming on a 65-inch display

Where does one sit?