Dr. Jon Peddie’s New Book Explains How Beautiful Images are made in CAD, 3D, VR and AR. If you have ever looked at a fantastic adventure or science fiction movie, or a rich computer game, and wondered “How do they do that?”, you can now satisfy your curiosity with: The History of Visual Magic in Computers The 448-page book includes 369 illustrations and is available on Amazon.
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TV Gaming Hardware market study – advanced financial modeling of the global TV Gaming Hardware market
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Jon Peddie Research’s TV and Cloud Gaming market study is a supply-side series, it establishes the TV Gaming Hardware market size by value, platform, and unit shipments.
TV and Cloud Gaming market study subscription consists of two issuances per year and gives one year of history, a current year estimate, and a three-year forecast.
For a subscription that includes models of the market released bi-annually please click here.
Contact us now if you would like to receive a sample of the report.