Trends & Market Research

Scott Reese says good-bye to Autodesk

After 19 years at Autodesk, Scott Reese, executive vice president in charge of product development and manufacturing solutions, left the company last month to assume the position of CEO at GE Digital.  At Autodesk, Reese focused on next-generation products and high-growth business initiatives across various industries, managing the development of cloud products geared to the manufacturing and AEC industries. To … Read more

Unlocked—a movie about data

Z by HP has rebranded their Z product line as Z by HP and recently released Unlocked, an interactive 35-minute film that weaves data science challenges into an action-packed story to unlock an ancient mystery. Blending Hollywood-caliber production value, interactive storytelling, and data challenges, data scientists around the world are invited to participate in the project at for a … Read more

Rethinking trade shows; Avid takes a time out

The general thinking in the US is that as Omicron loosens its grip, the pandemic will also recede to become something a recurring seasonal illness like the flu and colds—annoying but not deadly. Eventually, that probably is what happens but in the meantime, companies are rethinking their marketing strategies. 2019 was more important than we realized. NAB, IBC, CES, and … Read more

Nvidia’s Q4 FY22 Results Drive Ahead

Nvidia reported a terrific revenue gain of $7.64 billion for the fourth quarter ending January 30, 2022, which was up 53 percent from a year ago and up 8 percent from the previous quarter. Gaming, Data Center, and Professional Visualization market platforms each achieved record revenue for the quarter and year. For fiscal 2022, revenue was $26.91 billion, up 61 … Read more