
Foundry teases Katana 4.0

The Foundry’s Katana is a powerful tool for lighting and look development. Compared to so many tools used in entertainment content creation, it is a relatively young application. Foundry added Katana to its portfolio in 2011 through a deal with Sony Imageworks to package and further develop the portfolio of tools developed by Imageworks to handle lighting and look development. … Read more

Sony Corporation invests $250 million in Epic Games…why? And what’s next?

Last week, Sony shook up the gaming world with the news of its $250 million strategic investment in Epic Games. What’s particularly intriguing is that the investment was made by Sony Corporation, making it clear that the deal includes all the Sony business groups: Sony Pictures, Sony Music, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Sony Electronics, Sony Semiconductors, and others. A deal between … Read more

Twice the sense of other controllers—Sony’s dual

Sony is shipping its new wireless controller to developers who are implementing its unique dual-sensing features into their games. Sony claims the features of DualSense, along with PS5’s Tempest 3D AudioTech, will deliver a new feeling of immersion to players. When the PS4 launched in 2013, the DualShock 4 wireless controller earned a lot of positive feedback from gamers and … Read more

Ray tracing will be unavoidable in 2020

Ray tracing has been used in games for some time, but as baked in images. Ray tracing, even at 30 fps, is a computational challenge that has befuddled and frustrated hardware and software engineers for decades. With clever algorithms, Moore’s Law, and dogged perseverance, computer graphics companies have pushed the envelope further every year, with 2018 marking the breakout year … Read more